Lac de Neuchâtel. Photo/Foto: TES.

The Three Lakes Region

The lake of Neuchâtel was in the nineteenth century very popular. Many (English) tourists appreciated the view of the Alps and, after the construction of the railway, the excellent accessibility.

The Grand Hotels are a reminder of this ‘belle époque’ of the canton and the city. The industry (including watchmaking, asphalt, absinthe, tourism, services) and its favourable location created wealth and prosperity.

The Jura mountains, the Alps and the Three Lakes region (Drei-Seen-Land/Pays des Trois-Lacs) made Neuchâtel an attractive location for people and industry.

The Mönch, Jungfrau, Eiger, the Mont Blanc and Les Dents du Midi were and are  the (far away) witnesses.