Das Schächental, Spiringen. Foto/Photo: TES

The Schächen valley and Spiringen

The Schächental (canton of Uri) was already inhabited before the arrival of the Romans. The Alemanni came after the Romans, including the Spiro clan, who settled in Spiringen. The numerous place names with -ingen  are reminders of the Alemannic period. The Schächen valley was Christianised around 650.

As early as 1275, Spiringen took part in the peace treaty between Uri and Engelberg Monastery. In 1290, the inhabitants of the Schächen Valley founded the St. Michael’s Chapel in Spiringen. Its construction is documented by the founding charter of 29 March 1290. This deed of the foundation is an important document for following the development process of the Confederation.

The chapel fell under the parish church of Bürglen. In 1495 a new late-Gothic church was built. Spiringen split from the parish in Bürglen on 22 June 1591. In the 15th/16th century, houses were built, which still adorn the village and give it an attractive appearance.

The Russian general Suworow and his 20,000 troops passed through Spiringen as he marched over the Kinzigkulm to Muotathal On 27 and 28 September 1799. The present-day St. Michael’s Church was built in 1950. Its spire can be seen far into the valley.

(Source: www.spiringen.ch).