Lausanne, le Plateforme 10. Le MCBA et à droite les MUDAC et Photo Elysée. Foto/Photo: TES.

Plateforme 10 in Lausanne

It has taken a while, but on 18 June Plateforme 10 in Lausanne opened its doors.

The complex houses three museums: the Cantonal Museum of Design and Applied Contemporary Art (Musée de Design et d´Arts appliques Contemporains, MUDAC), the Museum of Art (Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, MCBA) and the Photo Museum (Musée cantonal de la photographie, Photo Élysée). The former Musée d´Élysée took the opportunity to change its name to Photo Élysée.

The complex is more than just a building; it is a cultural district in the former episcopal city’s centre, only a hundred metres from the central railway station.

The Architects Fabrizio Barozzi and Alberto Veiga built the MCBA-museum building, the brothers Manuel en Francisco Aires Mateus building of the MUDAC and the Photo Museum.

The three museums work together to present ´their´ art to the public.

The complex also houses restaurants, a library-documentation centre, seminar rooms, and bookshops.

(Source and further information: