Le château de Soyhières, Photo/Foto: TES.

Soyhières Castle

The castle, situated on the River Birs near Delémont (Delsberg) in the canton of Jura, was first mentioned around 1102. The Counts of Soyhières, the first owners, came from the Alsace. They were vassals of the Counts of Ferrette.

In 1271, the castle was sold to the Bishop of Basel, Henri de Neuchâtel. It was destroyed by the earthquake of 1356, which devastated a large part of the city of Basel.

The castle then passed into the hands of successive lords, including Jean de Delle, Thiébaut de Neuchâtel, Jean and Pierre de Blamont, and Henri d’Asuel-Boncourt.

The imperial (Habsburg) troops destroyed the castle once more during the Swabian War (Swabenkrieg) in 1499. the castle was never rebuilt and remained the property of the prince-bishopric of Basel until the French invasion (1792).

The area was incorporated into the département of Mont Terrible and, from 1800, into the département of Haut-Rhin. After 1813, there were several owners.

Approximately 75 years ago, the Société des Amis du château de Soyhières became the new owner. This organisation rebuilt the magnificent knights’ hall and made the castle accessible.

(Source and more information: www.soyhieres.ch).