L'Association Danse Neuchâtel, Clara Delorme. L’albâtre. Photo/Foto: L'Association Danse Neuchâtel.

New Performances of the ADN

The ADN (Association Danse Neuchâtel) presents two new performances at the Temple Allemand in La Chaux-de-Fonds (canton of Neuchâtel) on Saturday, 25 and Sunday, 26 June, at 6 pm.

The programme includes two creations by Clara Delorme. Malgrés is a playful piece with the theme “Music and the Body”. It tells about the contradictions of fate and invites us to enjoy minor failures in life.

L’albâtre is a solo performance by Clara Delorme. She evolves with the nudity of her body, but with glasses as the only garment!

In 2019, Clara Delorme created L’albâtre during the Quarts d’Heure de Sévelin, a piece selected for the Swiss Dance Days 2021.

She won the PREMIO prize and the SSA grant with Malgrés in 2020. She participates in the “Choreographing” programme of the Arts Council Pro Helvetia (Fondation pour la culture Pro Helvetia) and the “Double” programme of the Migros Culture Pour-cent Culturel Migros.

Further information: www.danse-neuchatel.ch/2022/malgres-l-albatre