Auvernier, verblijfplaats van een beverkolonie. Foto: TES

The Wolf, the Beaver and Trees

In some cantons, including Tessin, Valais and Graubünden, the wolf is the talk of the day and even the subject of a referendum at the national level. Man has hunted the wolf for centuries, and she had disappeared from the country until recently.
However, she has been back on the scene for a few years. As is well known, the wolf is a carnivore, which does not increase its popularity and leads to heated public debates.

However, vegetarians also cause controversy and discussion in society. One example is the beaver in Auvernier (municipality of Milvignes, canton of Neuchâtel). Incidentally, the French name castor does the animal more honour than beaver. Castor ( its scientific name is castor fibre) is derived from the Latin word castrare, meaning to cut.

With razor-sharp and iron-like teeth, it gnaws down trees. Its teeth are orange-yellow because of the iron in the enamel. His preferred species are Willow, poplar, alder, cherry and similar wood.

In Auvernier on Lake Neuchâtel, colonies of beavers have been staying for several years, initially to the delight of residents. After a few years of nibbling, some citizens are beginning to worry about deforestation. The beaver is a protected animal and has no natural predators. Moreover, there are two waves of births every year.

The municipality has recently issued a public appeal for a form of cohabitation (cohabitation) with this vegetarian.