Femme devant le soleil I, 1974, der Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Foto: Jaume Blassi ©Successió Miró, 2022. ProLitteris 2022, Zürich

Joan Miró (1893-1983) is known for his colourful surrealist dream worlds. The Catalan artist extended his concept of painting in a hitherto unfamiliar direction after 1956. however. This new beginning forms the starting point for the exhibition (Joan Miró: Neue Horizonte).

The artist saw conventional easel painting as a limitation and tried to find new expressive forms. He ‘painted’, for example, with fire and scissors rather than a brush and expanded his technique to textiles or overpainted classical paintings. In this way he produced large-format raw paintings and sculptures that remain resolutely contemporary.

The exhibition includes 74 works, mostly from the late 1960s, the 1970s and the early 1980s. Most come from the holdings of the Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona as well as the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró in Mallorca.

The artist Paul Klee (1879-1940) and Joan Miró highly appreciated each others works and artistic concepts. The encounter with Paul Klee’s work made a lasting impression on Joan Miró and vice versa. Thanks to the study of the Klee´s work Miró also succeeded in finding a balance between figurative Surrealism and abstraction.

The exhibition was realised in close collaboration with the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona.