Swiss Finance Museum

A multimedia exhibition  explains the origins of the economic system and the role of the stock market. The exhibition offers a comprehensive insight into the (Swiss) financial market, and provides fascinating links between economic history and the modern innovations of the financial sector. Key historical pieces from one of the world’s biggest and most important collections of securities allow visitors to trace the development of our modern financial economy all the way back to the 16th century. Find out about the first modern stock corporation, revolutionary business ideas, and how huge corporations have emerged from the 16th century to the present day. The collection covers all eras since the 16th century, all sectors of industry and all countries, in proportion to their historical importance. The collection includes rarities signed by famous individuals such as Maria Theresia, Thomas A. Edison and John D. Rockefeller, as well as exhibits of particular value in terms of the history of art.

Museum: Swiss Finance Museum
City: Zurich
Country: Switzerland
Address: Pfingstweidstrasse 96