Huldrych Zwingli, Grossmünster Zurich. Photo: TES.

The Reformation, the Grossmünster und the Fraumünster in Zurich

Zurich commemorates the Reformation. The Association «500 Jahre Zürcher Reformation” (500 Jahre Zurcher Reformation) coordinates and supports projects to raise awareness of its significance.

The House of Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) opposite the Grossmünster

The Association focuses on the (international) relevance, repercussions, and political and social influences in Zurich, the (old) Confederation, and Europe.

(Source and further information:

The Fraumünster (reformed 1524)

The Grossmünster (reformed 1524) 

The Crypt and Charlemagne

Legend has it that Charlemagne (742-814) built the first church in Zurich on this site, honouring the martyrs Felix and Regula. Charlemagne statue, dating from ca. 1450.  The crypt was  1107 consecrated by bishop Gebhard III. of Constance

Model (on the left) of the statue by sculptor Otto Münch (1885-1965) responding to the original. New model (on the right) with recent repairs and restorations