Swiss Chamber Orchestras 1920-2020

Switzerland has no Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin. Yet in the 1920s, the country brought about a (forgotten) musical revolution. It began what would later be called the “Roaring Twenties” — an era of, by and for the avant-garde in art. In classical music at the time, the great romantic orchestras still set the tone. The … Read more » “Swiss Chamber Orchestras 1920-2020”

The Musical Tradition of Basel

Basel has a musical tradition of many centuries. The music theory and compositions of Bonifacius Amerbach (1495-1562), including the Codex Amerbach, were famous in the sixteenth century. This homo universalis was also an art collector, jurist, humanist and, above all, a friend and contemporary of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536), who lived, worked, published and finally … Read more » “The Musical Tradition of Basel”