Eine Impression von der Sammlung. Foto/Photo: Kunstmuseum Bern

The Kunstmuseum Bern (Museum of Art Bern) owns an interesting art collection from the late Middle Ages to the present. The collection’s current presentation shows around 180 European and American artworks from the 18th to the 20th centuries.

Cubism, Expressionism, Surrealism, and abstract art represent the central avant-garde trends of modern art. Highlights include Pablo Picasso’s Violin Hanging on a Wall, Meret Oppenheim ‘s Unter der Regen-Wolke and Piet Mondrian’s Painting No. II. The presentation is complemented by a selection of works by the Bern artist Adolf Wölfli from the holdings of the Adolf Wölfli Foundation.

The collection combines paintings by famous representatives of Abstract Expressionism – for example, Jackson Pollock’s Brown and Silver II and Lee Krasner’s Forest no 2 – with works by concrete and abstract artists such as Sophie Taeuber-Arp or Max Bill.