Laténium, Hauterive. Affiche de l'exposition 'Entre deux eaux. La Tène, lieu de mémoire'.

La Tène is a of the Celtic civilisation of the period 500-100 B.C. This culture was dominant in most of Central and Western Europe. Near the small village of La Tène, on Lake Neuchâtel, this Celtic culture was discovered by a fisherman in 1857.

After the Hallstatt period (1200-500 B.C.), this discovery filled the gap of the centuries before the arrival of the Romans. This Celtic culture is named after its village of first discovery, the La Tène period. The (open-air) museum Laténium is named after it.

With the new exhibition Between two Waters. La Tène, place of Remembrance (Entre deux eaux. La Tène, lieu de mémoire), the Laténium (canton of Neuchâtel) gives a complete overview of more than one and a half centuries of research through objects, information, animated films and (interactive) visualisation.

To make this cultural history accessible to a broad audience, the Laténium has opted for a complementary approach. Four animated films tell the story of La Tène, complemented by the musical creation of Marek Hunhap.

The visual world of La Tène inspired the musician, and his composition accompanies the visitor on his journey to the Celts. The central element of the exhibition is the huge collection of finds from La Tène.