Two Centuries Underwear

Poster. Photo: Museum of Valagin

The Museum presents a small part of the textile collections of underwear. The underwear tells a lot about fashion and social changes. The exhibition shows more than fifty pieces of underwear from the last two centuries. A cultural-historical approach to the most worn garment.

Surrealism in Zug

Friedrich Kieslers Figue Anti-Tabou, Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme, 1947, (Ausstellungsgestaltung: Friedrich Kiesler, Photo: Rémy Duval) © 2019 Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung,Vienna.

To begin its anniversary year, the House of Art Zug (Kunsthaus) shows what was a focus of the collection right from the start: Swiss surrealist and fantastic art. The maverick, idiosyncratic aspects of the surreal and fantastic trends in art are what remain attractive about this collection focus, down to the present day. The exhibition (Fantastisch Surreal. Die Sammlung) addresses the different styles of Surrealism.

“A Surrealist exhibition to outdo all others!” That was the aim of the Surrealist exhibition in Paris in 1947, organised by André Breton, Marcel Duchamp and Frederick Kiesler. The rooms in which the exhibition was held were part and parcel of its artistic concept. Architecture and art became a unity. The exhibition (André Breton, Marcel Duchamp and Frederick Kiesler. Surrealistische Räume 1947) will be recreated in Zug, using some 100 original sketches and photographs. This is the first time it is shown in this concept outside Vienna.


Photography from 1839 to the 1970s

unknown artist, Coney Island, 1950-1960 © Collection by Jacques Herzog und Pierre de Meuron Kabinett, Basel.

Ruth and Peter Herzog have built one of the most important photography collections, which now encompasses no fewer than five hundred thousand artifacts. It is a photographic encyclopedia of life in the industrial age. Ranging from the early days of the medium, which was invented in 1839, to the 1970s, the collection’s holdings span the complete history of analog photography, reflecting its manifold developments and physical materials.

The first comprehensive presentation in Switzerland showcases four hundred objects. The exhibition spotlights key themes of the collection and addresses questions around the photography collectors’ work and the relation between archive and museum. It also probes the interplay between photography and art.

The exhibition is being created in cooperation with the Jacques Herzog und Pierre de Meuron Kabinett, Basel.