Dürrenmatt a sketch artist and Painter

The Self-portrait of Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Collection Centre Dürrenmatt in Neuchâtel. Photo: PD/CDN/Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

The writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990) has left behind an extensive oeuvre of visual art. The exhibition (Dürrenmatt als Zeichner und Maler) shows a representative selection of his graphic works and drawings. His guiding principle is always the tension between myth and science. The formative influence of childhood in the village, Greek mythology and the Christian faith, the lifelong involvement in astronomy and the theory of evolution are always present. The paintings and drawings are embedded in the context of their historical, scientific, theological and ethical references. The exhibition has been produced by Spiez Castle (Schloss Spiez) The Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel is the cooperating partner. Further information:

Switzerland and Greenland

Poster: landesmuseum Zurich

In 1912, Alfred de Quervain (1879-1927) travelled across Greenland. The data collected by the Swiss explorer on the seven-week expedition are still of great value for science today. The exhibition examines de Quervain’s pioneering feat in the eternal ice, and links it with the present. Switzerland still carries out glacier research in Greenland, making a significant contribution to one of the most crucial issues of our time: global warming.


Nuns in the Middle Ages

Poster: Landesmuseum Zurich

Nuns in the Middle Ages were far more than just celibate, ascetic women who only cared about the world inside their convent walls. The convent gave women opportunities that were otherwise hardly available to them: access to higher education, social security and the chance to break away from the conventions of their families. The exhibition (Nonnen in de Middeleeuwen) shows what a wide range of life choices were open to nuns in the Middle Ages.