Carl Spitzweg

Carl Spitzweg (1808 - 1885), Der arme Poet (the poor poet), 1838. Oil on canvas, 37.9 x 45 cm. Privat collection. Photo: Kunstmuseum Winterthur

The painter Carl Spitzweg (1808-1885) is a well-known German artist from Munich, almost unknown in other countries. He was an accurate and critical observer of his (Biedermeier) time, which he described with humour and irony. The exhibition features his well-known and lesser-known works.  He connects his region (Heimat) and the longing and nostalgia for it, the Idylle and the often harsh reality, tradition and modernity. The exhibition is organised in close collaboration with the Georg Schäfer Museum in Schweinfurt. This museum has the largest collection of the artist. The result is a representative exhibition about the work and life of this painter.



Albert-Edgar Yersin

Albert-Edgar Yersin, «Plissement du parc», 1965 - 1970. Encre et lavis sur papier. Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne. Acquisition, 2012

Albert-Edgar Yersin (1905-1984) was a master of the art and craft of drawing. The exhibition showcases some of his most powerful creations. From his childhood in America to his final days in Lausanne, Albert-Edgar Yersin was an avid draughtsman, roughing out numerous landscapes, copying paintings by Old Masters, transferring his own sketches to metal plates, experimenting with a range of techniques, and inventing his own highly original style drawing on Surrealism, abstraction and figurative art. He influenced a generation of artists and sparking a new wave of interest in etching and artists’books.


When Wine and Paintings Meet

The museum (in the Château de Boudry) presents a new exhibition with works by Pierre Lavanchy (1912-1964), his oil paintings and watercolours, and by Walter Wehinger (1911-1988) and especially his graphic work and painting. The exhibition also includes many works by Gustave Jeanneret (1847-1927).