The forgotten Century of Fribourg

Photo: Musée d'art et d'histoire Fribourg

The period of the founding of the town of Fribourg in the 12th century (in the year 1157 by the Duke of Zähringen), the 13th century and the 15th and 16th centuries, are well known and well documented. However, the 13th century has been largely forgotten. The fourteenth century offers a rich heritage of architecture, painting, sculpture, goldsmithing and illuminated books, however. This century was an important period for the city, both economically, politically and for the art. The exhibition presents this period to bring this cultural history back to the fore.

Alix and the Helvetians

Foto: Site et musée romains d’Aventicum, Avenches

On the occasion of the new album of Alix and the Helvetians, Les Helvètes, the archaeological site and the Roman museum in Avenches show a series of original slides from previous albums. Les Helvètes is the 38th volume of the Alix series, created by Jacques Martin (1921-2010) in 1948. The Romans commissioned Alix on a peace mission on the territory of the warlike Helvetians. However, it was not made easy for Alix and the Romans. The album is almost a documentary addition to what would later become Switzerland. The exhibition and the museum give an overview of this history and (local) archaeology.

Wildlife Photography 2019

Photo: The Moment © Yongqing Bao - Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

The museum presents the best wildlife photographs of 2019, breath taking landscapes, surprising animal portraits and dramatic spectacles of nature. Every year, the Natural History Museum London hosts the renowned ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’ competition. More than 48 000 images from more than 100 countries were submitted. The museum selected the 100 most outstanding images (chosen by the jury of the Natural History Museum London).