Chemin Faisant

Photo: L'Espace culturel, Assens

The open-air art route shows around 40 works by Swiss sculptors and other artists. The seven-kilometre route leads the visitor through fields, forests and roads in the beautiful surroundings of the canton of Vaud.



Photo: Centre d'Art, Yverdon-les-Bains

The artist Etienne Krähenbühl (1953) collected all the plastics from his daily consumption and then depicted them. The artist made some 730 prints, two a day. For more than a year, he has been accountable for the personal use of this material, and his gesture has become a universal message. That leads to a reflection on ecology and climate. The artist from Yverdon is best known for his production of metal sculptures, but in September 2017 he decided to show the annual consumption of plastic.


Photo: Musée Rath, Geneva.

The exhibition is dedicated to the silence of painting and sculpture. It combines genres, motifs and periods, from still lifes to religious scenes. This art is silent, as the term “silent poetry”, which has been used since antiquity, shows. But what does this art do with our inner self?