Audrey Hepburn

Photo: Fondation Bolle, Morges

Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) embodies talent, grace and commitment and she is one of the greatest actresses in the history of film. The exhibition is based on three themes. With its Audrey Hepburn collection, the museum will guide the visitor through an retrospective on the actress’s life and work by photographic portraits, clips from her films, objects, the originals of famous magazine covers and stories.


Photo: Ital Reding-Hofstatt, Schwyz

A selection of renowned Swiss and international glass artists present their work. The exhibition shows a representative cross-section of the diversity of contemporary glass art. In a dialogue, traditional techniques come together with new approaches in glass art.

Time for Paper Art

Viviane Fontaine, Pénombre, feuilles d’érable et graphite, 2018. Photo: Nicole Prin.

The exhibition (Un temps de Papier) presents more than 80 works by the artist Viviane Fontaine. The artist accompanies paper from traditional production to artistic creation. In harmony with her environment, the artist follows the paper production process and makes a connection between nature, art and life. The diversity of the plants, their history and their therapeutic qualities are the main aspects that guide her work.