

Azimut is the direction, but also the point of orientation of the observer. These central and polysemic concepts are the multiple expressions in the career of Jean-Claude Schauenbergs (1940). This exhibition shows the works of the artist from this perspective. The inspiration for his art comes in the first place from his travels. These offer a new perspective on everyday life, on the world and sometimes on the traveller himself. Italy, Egypt and Iran in particular are central to his work. Every place and every journey can lead to encounters, (personal) confrontations and new discoveries and inspiration.

The Legal System of Vaud


The exhibition gives an overview of the historical legal system in Vaud. Moudon still has an original copy of the first law book that codified common law (1577). This code has also been in force after 1536 and the occupation by Bern. Together with other documents, such as the charter of 1285 from the time of the Dukes of Savoy, this code is the starting point of the exhibition space, which for the occasion has been transformed into a courtroom. Illustrations and sound recordings of concrete cases illustrate the various facets of the legal system of the time.

Comics and Design

(Français) Angela et Luciana Giussani, Sergio Zaniboni et Saverio Micheloni, Diabolik (detail), 1974. © Astorina srl.

The Museum is taking a fresh look at its collection by exploring the world of comics and their relationship to design. Iconic furniture features prominently in comics, while at the same time countless designers have taken inspiration from comics to create pieces informed by stories of superhuman strength, lightning speed and sharp irony. The exhibition deals with both of these tendencies in the museum’s first-ever study of the comics medium. Through the illustrated world of the comic strip, comic book and graphic novel, objects from the museum’s collection jump off the page and come to life.