Before the Reformation

From the Depth of Time. Art in Graubünden before 1530 © Photo: Florio Puenter.

On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the museum focuses on the art of Graubünden before the Reformation (1530). The exhibition also devotes itself to the historie of the Villa Planta, the museum’s location since 1919. The historical objects are not shown themselves, but on the basis of photographs by the artist Florio Puenter. The exhibition presents works from various artistic and cultural areas that show the artistic richness of Grisons, including archaeological finds from the Calancatal, the marble statues of the St. Johan monastery in Müstair, reliquaries from the Chur Cathedral Treasure House and Gothic frescoes from Waltensburg. In the exhibition they are reproduced in full size by means of black and white photographs, which emphasizes the aesthetic quality of the selected objects.

Daumier and Pettibon in Winterthur

Honoré Daumier (1808 – 1879), Un parracide,1850. Kunstmuseum Winterthur. Photo: Roland Schmidt.

Two of the creators of the most incisive and critical drawings in art history join up in an exhibition for the first time: Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) and Raymond Pettibon (1957). In their oeuvres, the two comment with satirical acuity and great wit on the events of their respective epochs. The works of both artists focus on politics and society, the everyday and current events. The juxtaposition of Daumier and Pettibon surprisingly highlights how much they have in common. Bringing their artworks together in one place offers an enriching experience, as each reciprocally sharpens the eye for the other, such that these two outstanding artists foster a highly topical dialogbetween the 19th century and today.

The Helvetisms

Photo: Neuchâtel, Centre Dürrenmatt.

The helvetisms testify to the linguistic diversity of Switzerland and the mutual influence of the national languages. This wealth is also reflected in the literature. Through a choice of favourite helvetisms and spoken word performances, the exhibition bridges the (alleged) contradictions and promotes understanding between the different language communities in Switzerland.