A Forgotten British Artist

Exhibition A Forgotten Maverick. Photo: Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich

The British artist Marlow (Marjorie) ) Moss (1889-1958) was one of the few female representatives of constructivist art during its beginnings. The intention of this exhibition is to draw attention to her oeuvre and the influence of Piet Mondriaan (1872-1944) on her paintings, drawings and plastics. The exhibition presents a more in-depth reception thereof within art history.

The Land of the Queen of Sheba

Incense burner with camel rider (3rd cent. CE), © The Trustees of the British Museum, London.

The peninsula of South Arabia was once a happy region, Felix Arabia, according ancient Roman authors. The Kingdom of Sheba was one of the richest territories,  queen Bilqis was a famous (mythical) person and merchants transported their luxurious goods by huge caravans to the Mediterranean and far beyond. The Kingdom covered the territory of present-day Yemen. Advanced irrigation and farming technics established a rich agriculture, as was the case in Egypt, Iraq and Syria as well. The exhibition shows this forgotten past of this country in turmoil and decline.

Claude Monet in Basel

The exhibition shows works by the French painter Claude Monet (1840-1926). The show is a celebration of light and color, illustrating the artistic development of the painter from Impressionism to his famous late work. It will feature his Mediterranean landscapes, wild Atlantic coastal scenes, different stretches of the Seine, meadows with wild flowers, haystacks, water lilies, cathedrals, and bridges shrouded in fog. Monet experimented with changing light and color effects in the course of a day and in different seasons and he succeeded in evoking magical moods through reflections and shadows.