Artists from Central- and Eastern Europe

Josef Hoffmann, Flächenmuster, o.J., Kunsthaus Zug, Stiftung Sammlung Kamm.

Although countries such as Czechia, Poland, Hungary and Russia are geographically close to us, they can still seem far away, even today.

This exhibition casts its gaze towards this part of Europe and exhibits large work groups of several generations of artists from Central and Eastern Europe.

It does not just draw a line from “West” to “East”, but also links several generations and perspectives.


Abstract Art 1950-1980

Musée d'Art de Pully. Poster of the exhibition "abstractions plurielles''

The Museum organises the exhibition “Abstractions plurielles” in cooperation with the Gandur Foundation for Art

The word “plurielles” means that there was no single abstract art, but rather various movements, initiatives and ideas.

The years following the Second World War saw a great artistic flowering. Paris took its place again and New York soon followed.

The exhibition offers an overview through the years 1950 to 1980 on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

It emphasises the many forms that abstraction took in this period and shows the main trends: lyrical and gestural abstraction, abstract expressionism, geometric abstraction, minimalism, kinetic art (movement is central) and monumental mobile art.

The exhibition concludes with Supports/Surfaces, the movement that questions traditional pictorial means. It marks the end of a period of experimentation and the beginning of a new quest, which is still ongoing.

The Leu Family

Tinguely Museum Basel. Poster exhibition The Leu Art Family.

The Swiss Leu family is well-known among tattoo fans worldwide. In the late 1960s and 1970s, Felix and Loretta Leu used their tattooing skills to fund extensive travels with their four children Ama, Aia, Filip and Ajja.

These years on the road were nourished by artistic curiosity, forming the basis for a distinct family cosmos. Featuring works by all members of the family, the exhibition (Leu Art Family. Caresser la peau du ciel) offers a picture of this special universe.