
Poster exhibition. Photo: Stapferhaus, Lenzburg

Gender is everywhere. In the head, in the body, in the office, in bed, in politics and at the beginning of life: it is a boy or it is a girl. The Stapferhaus is dedicating this exhibition (Geschlecht) to this theme. How does gender come into being, what makes us a woman or a man?  The multifaceted world of biology (cells, chromosomes and hormones), culture and society, education, upbringing and role models, history and present, work, power and hierarchy, ideals of beauty and sexuality. The exhibition invites visitors to engage with the theme on a personal and social level

Earth at its Limits

The wood and its trees. Photo: TES.

The exhibition explores how humans influence the various ecosystems of the planet. The (interactive) presentation illustrates the natural and global context with local examples of Switzerland and the City of Basel and its surroundings. After an acoustic introduction of nature without human interference, the visitor visit rooms with different themes and beautiful illustrations and installations. The salt and fresh water supplies of the earth, flora and fauna on land, the industrialization, chemical industry, pesticides, air pollution, the enormous use of water by consumers and industry, the use of land, lakes, rivers, and seas, the disappearance of the woods in Europe and elsewhere, climate change and other topics are presented.

The museum offers a wide range of accompanying activities, such as guided tours, excursions, meetings with scientists and experts and a guided tour for children and their families,  allowing visitors to broaden their knowledge and see it from different perspectives.

Around fifteen experts give their point of view by short written statements at the beginning of the show. It ends at the Anthropocene (Anthropozän in German), the geological epoch from the beginning of considerable human impact on Earth geology and ecosystems.

A timeline indicates the developments from ancient (Roman and Greek times) to the present time and the many developments and changes since the sixteenth century onwards. It also expresses the pleasant, informative, almost philosophical set-up: not moralistic and panicking, but a dialogue, discussion, scientific explanation and looking for possibilities and changes or in the words of the organisers:

“Change needs diversity – without diversity there is no change. That’s something we learn from nature, but also applies to our society” (Wandel braucht Vielfalt – ohne Vielfalt kein Wandel. Das lernen wir von der Natur, gilt aber auch für unsere Gesellschaft).

Christmas Cribs

Poster exhibition. Photo: Kindermuseum Baden

For more than ten years, the museum has focused its Christmas exhibition on the traditions and customs of a host country. Initially, the celebration of Christmas in Spain was planned. Due to the Corona crisis, this has been postponed until 2021. This year’s exhibition (Krippen aus aller Welt) shows the worldwide diversity of Christmas cribs from different decades and generations and made of all kinds of materials and in different sizes.