Theophilus Steinlen

Poster: Musée Historique de Vevey

The exhibition (Histoires de Paysages) highlights a remarkable collection of the museum that has not been on display for more than 120 years: the works of Christian Gottlieb (1779-1847), better known as Theophilus Steinlen. He came from Stuttgart and later settled in Vevey. He is the grandfather of the illustrator and poster artist Alexander Theophile Steinlen (1859-1923). He founded a drawing school in Vevey in 1816. His watercolours, engravings and drawings in the romantic style are made with great precision and an eye for detail.  They are not only of great artistic quality but are also important from a historical point of view as of an era.

Women of Lucerne and Politics

Poster Exhibition Eine Stimme haben. Historisches Museum Lucerne

For a long time, the women of Lucerne were not allowed to vote or be elected to political office in the canton (and at federal level). On 25 October 1970, the male population of Lucerne voted to give women a political voice at cantonal level. (1971 for women at federal level) The museum commemorates this 50th anniversary with an exhibition (Eine Stimme haben) and an accompanying programme. The exhibition sheds light on one hundred years of struggle for (more) women’s rights and gives the pioneers a voice and a face.

John-Francis Lecoultre

Poster: Villa "le Lac"Le Corbusier, Corseaux

The Villa presents a selection of the Grammonts by John-Francis Lecoultre (1905-1990). The painter had similar beginnings to Le Corbusier (same origin, same courses at the Art School in La Chaux-de-Fonds, same Parisian dreams), but he returned to Switzerland, to Montreux and continued to paint all his life. The exhibition contributes to highlight this outstanding pastellist, a master of Swiss painting.