Genève, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Affiche 'La Fabrique de Dante'.

To celebrate the 700th anniversary of the death of Alighieri Dante (1265-1321),  the museum honours this great figure of literature with the  exhibition The Making of Dante. 

The term “making” is intended to interpret Dante’s work as a giant laboratory of literature and to refer to his ongoing “creation” over the centuries. 

The exhibition is divided into three parts; the first brings visitors closer to Alighieri through famous readers of his works, from Charles Baudelaire to David Bowie. 

The second part reconstructs what is likely to have been Dante’s library and the poet’s “dialogue” with the texts he read. 

The third section leads to his writings and to Dante, the poet and Dante, the human being.

The show also presents rare books and manuscripts from the Martin Bodmer Fondation and from other institutions. There is, for example, an original copy of the famous portrait of Dante by Sandro Botticelli from 1495.  

The Centre Culturel du Manoir de Cologny is organising the exhibition Le studiolo de Dante and  the three worlds of the Divine Comedy, the Hell, the Purgatory and the Paradise.