The Grandeur of Auvernier

The urban villa in Auvernier (canton of Neuchâtel) was built in the first half of the seventeenth century. The French family d’Orléans-Longueville (1504-1706) ruled the county of Neuchâtel.

Karl von Bonstetten bought the building in 1630, followed by the Châtenay familly. The seventeenth century was the Golden Age of this village (commune of Milvignes).

Solothurn 2 000 Years

The Romans founded the settlement Salodurum (literally watergate) around 20 AD. The main reason was the building of a road (and bridge over de Aare river ) between Aventicum (Avenches) and Vindonissa (Windisch).

The town became a fortress with the usual Roman public and private buildings, some of the remnants can still be seen in the Old Town.

The city had Burgundian kings (kingdoms of Burgundy, c. 460-c.536 and 888-1032), Frankish kings and emperors (c. 536-888) and German kings and emperors (Holy Roman Empire (from 1033) as their rulers, but became an independent imperial city in 1218.

The town acquired large territories afterwards and joined the Swiss Confederation in 1481.

The prestige of the city was confirmed by close ties with France (and the lucrative mercenary business) and the establishment of a French embassy (until 1792).

The famous Hotel de la Couronne and many splendid buildings and monuments are the witnesses of this period.
