The Fisherman, Nature and Habitat in Auvernier

Artist, hunter, father, husband, philosopher, ecologist and fisherman, all these characteristics apply to Denis Junod d’Auvernier (canton of Neuchâtel).

Junod is one of around thirty professional fishermen on Lake Neuchâtel’s shores. His life story is written down in a recently published biography: “De fils en père. Denis Junod” (From father to son. Denis Junod).

Hauterive, Laténium, 12 October 2020. Denis Junod (l), Françoise Jeanneret-Gris (r) 

The book is more than just a biography. It is also a history of the lake, its flora, fauna and nature. He knows what he is talking about when he speaks about the lake, its fish flo,ra and fauna on the shores. As a hunter, he also respects animals and nature.

C’est comme si nous n’avions pas compris que l’humanité et tous les écosystèmes font partie du même arbre. L’humanité appartient à ce système mondial, mais elle agit comme si elle était extérieure“.

Denis Junod (on the right) in his pêcherie in Auvernier

He was born in 1953 in La Côte-aux-Fées in the canton of Neuchâtel. The lake was far away. A future as a fisherman was unlikely. He spent his childhood in the woods and meadows.

His first encounter with Lake Neuchâtel and fishing occurred in the village of Saint-Aubin. His father worked in the watchmaking industry and was an enthusiastic fisherman. He inspired Denis. At that time, around 1960, there were still many trout in the lake. It was even the most caught fish. A few decades later, the trout has almost wholly disappeared.

His habitat in Auvernier

He got acquainted with and appreciated poetry, literature, philosophy and history in school. He attended the gymnasium. They have always remained his guide in interpreting reality and life. With this background, he is also interested in (local) politics and society and their historical context.

He moved to the village of Serrières around 1963 and lived for the first time on the shores of the lake. He started painting in this period. He describes his paintings as Art Brut. The culture of the Maya and the Incas inspires him. The images of paintings in the book bear witness to his artistic talent.

After school, he wanted to become a fisherman. After an apprenticeship in nearby Saint-Aubin, he rented his fisherman’s hut in Auvernier in 1973 and received a fishing permit from the canton. He is still there.

The village’s coat of arms contains a fish and grapes for a good reason. At that time, Auvernier was still a village of fishermen and winegrowers. Fishing is still his passion, work, experience and way of life.

J’ai une spiritualité sans Dieu. Ou bien : j’appellerais Dieu la grande matrice universelle qui régit le monde du vivant. Je ne crois pas en Salut que nous propose la religion. Quand je suis sur le lac, je sens cette force universelle qui nous enveloppe tous. Ma foi est là, au sein de cette nature féconde. Le lac est ma cathédrale“.

He has experienced life as a fisherman: fines, trials and conflicts with the police and the authorities (“Un anarchiste respectueux“), ups and downs, the tragedies of drowned fishermen and the enjoyment of the beautiful sunrise and the panorama of Les Trois Bernoises, the Dents du Midi and the Mont Blanc in the south and the Jura in the north-west.

The state of nature and Lake Neuchâtel worries him. However, he is an optimist and has confidence in humanity’s ability to adapt as long the principles of nature are respected.

His philosophy:

Dans nos sociétés occidentales hypertechnologiques, l’intelligence est liée à la réussite scolaire. Dans d’autres sociétés, l’intelligence est une question d’adaptation à un milieu donné. Le savoir-faire, le respect des aînés, l’utilisation d’outils spécialisés et l’agilité, c’est dans les sociétés indigènes premières qu’on les trouve. Leur intelligence est liée à la survie du groupe. Les livres ne sont pas les seules fournitures de l’intelligence. La nature m’en a appris bien bien plus. Toute est relatif“.

(Françoise Jeanneret-Gris, De fils en père. Denis Junod, Bière 2020. The phrases are from Denis Junod and are mentioned in the book).

The Burg Castle and Village Burg in the Leimen Valley

The castle was built in 1250 and rebuilt as Schloss Burg after 1600. In 1168, Emperor Frederick I or Emperor Barbarossa (1122-1190) of the Holy Roman Empire sold the castle and Dinghof Biederthal to the House of Habsburg.

Most of the territory was sold in 1269 to the prince-bishop of Basel. However, a third of the territory (today’s municipality of Biederthal in France) remained property of the House of Habsburg.

At the foot of the castle, the present-day village of Burg (canton of Basel-Landschaft) arose. In 1520, the city of Basel acquired the area, but after negotiations, it returned to the prince-bishop’s hands.

During the Thirty Years’ War, the castle was looted. The castle was sold in 1810 to citizens. From 1793 to 1813 (department Mont Terrible (1793-1800) and department Haut-Rhin (1800-1813), the village belonged to France. The canton of Bern acquired the village in 1815 (Wiener Congress). Since 1994 the village has been part of canton Basel-Landschaft.

Burg Castle and the village of Burg have changed owners, nationalities and cantons several times. Its proximity to the Remel Pass and Landskron Castle gave the castle and village strategic importance.

The Leimental

The only constant factor is the number of inhabitants: 187 in 1722, 255 in 1831, 248 in 1850, 163 in 1900, 215 in 1950 and 272 today. Its most famous resident is LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann (1906-2008).

The nearby Abbey Mariastein and its 250,000 pilgrims a year also put Burg and the village in the spotlight.

Today, Burg Castle and the municipality are primarily coveted residential and tourist attractions in the middle of the beautiful Jura and a stone’s throw from Alsace and the cantons of Solothurn and Basel.

(Source and further information: Gemeinde Burg)