Five Years Beautiful Villages

The Association of the Most Beautiful Swiss Villages  (Verein die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer) was founded five years ago in Ticino. The first village was  Poschiavo in Graubünden. After 5 years, the association represents forty towns in fourteen cantons. (Source and further information:

Swiss Chamber Orchestras 1920-2020

Switzerland has no Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin. Yet in the 1920s, the country brought about a (forgotten) musical revolution. It began what would later be called the “Roaring Twenties” — an era of, by and for the avant-garde in art. In classical music at the time, the great romantic orchestras still set the tone. The … Read more » “Swiss Chamber Orchestras 1920-2020”

Swiss-Danish Diplomacy

Official diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Denmark exist since 1920. At first sight, however, their history shows little common ground. Denmark is one of the oldest European monarchies, as Shakespeare already wrote. As far as is known, the Vikings never entered Swiss territory. Denmark was never part of the Roman, Merovingian, Carolingian, Burgundian or Holy … Read more » “Swiss-Danish Diplomacy”