Watch-making and City-planning in Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds

The unique grid planning of the cities Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds (canton Neuchatel) emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and was based on the watch-making industry. Both cities were destroyed by fires (in 1794 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1833 and 1844 in Le Locle). Their reconstruction was based on a consensus of private and … Read more » “Watch-making and City-planning in Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds”

One Century Lia Rumantscha

The Lia Rumantscha (Romansh Organisation) was founded in Chur in 1919 as an umbrella organisation of Romansh associations in Graubünden (Grisons). The Lia Rumantscha created the Rumantsch Grischun. This language is based on three Romansh idioms (Sursilvan, Vallader and Surmiran). (further information: www.

The Panorama of Thun

The Panorama of Thun (1809) by Marquard Wocher (1760-1830) is the oldest surviving panorama in the world and is 210 years old. No more than 21 other panoramas made before 1900 survived, four of which can be seen in Switzerland, in Einsiedeln (the crucifixion of Christ), in Murten (battle of Murten 1476), in Lucerne (flight … Read more » “The Panorama of Thun”