Canton Schwyz

The village of Schwyz is the namesake of Switzerland and of the canton. As one of the Waldstätten Uri, Obwalden, Nidwalden (Unterwalden) or Orte, Talschaften or Landsgemeinde on Lake Lucerne (the Vierwaldstättersee), the place and its surrounding areas and municipalities achieved autonomy and sovereignty as early as the 14th century. The canton reached its current … Read more » “Canton Schwyz”

Canton Jura

999-1792/97 The area of the French-speaking canton of Jura fell under the principality of Basel from 999. In the following centuries, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries, Bern gained increasing influence in the southern part of Jura, including in la Neuveville (Neuenstadt), Moutier and Bienne (Biel). During the Reformation, Bern’s influence was therefore noticeable … Read more » “Canton Jura”

Canton Vaud

The present-day Canton de Vaud area has been inhabited since the end of the last Ice Age (10 000). The Helvetians The region became known for mentioning the Celtic tribe Helvetians by Julius Caesar in De Bello Gallico. This tribe also inhabited Vaud in the period 450-58 BC. Tombs have been found in Saint-Sulpice, Vevey … Read more » “Canton Vaud”