Canton Geneva

The area of the present canton and city of Geneva was already inhabited around 10 000 B.C. In the ninth century B.C., the water level of Lake Geneva rose 5 metres, and the inhabitants left the area. In the second century B.C., the Celtic tribe of Allobrogen inhabited the banks of the lake and the hill … Read more » “Canton Geneva”

Canton of Neuchâtel

After the Burgundian King founded the castle novum castellum in 1011, hence the name Neuenburg/Neuchâtel, the newly formed borough soon expanded to the Jura-upper valleys. 1100-1798 The county of Neuchâtel was founded in the 12th century.  The county reached around 1500, the size of the present-day canton of Neuchâtel. Colombier, Valangins, Corcelles, Môtier, Auvernier, (Val … Read more » “Canton of Neuchâtel”

Canton of Basel-Stadt and the City of Basel

The Celtic tribe of Rauraken inhabited the region of Basel before the arrival of the Romans. The foundations of the ancient fortress lake, the Murus gallus, on the hill near the Münster, next to the cathedral, can still be seen. Its location on the Rhine was important for fishing and trade. Town Hall (Rathaus), statue … Read more » “Canton of Basel-Stadt and the City of Basel”