Fauteuil Theatre and Fasnacht

Available in Dutch and German

The Charivari of the Basler Fasnacht

This year’s Basler Fasnacht begins at 4 a.m. on 7 March. Before this annual event, various events take place in theatres. Several happenings will be briefly discussed until March. The aim is to put the centuries-old Fasnacht tradition into perspective. The Basler Fasnacht (see also www.fasnacht.ch and www.fasnachts-comite.ch) has its origins in the annual parade … Read more » “The Charivari of the Basler Fasnacht”

Virtual Reality Glacier Experience

The Morteratsch Glacier near Pontresina  (canton Graubünden) shows the consequences of global warming. In recent decades, the masses of ice have been shrinking at an ever-increasing annual rate. High moraines characterise the landscape and show where the glacier was in 1850. The virtual reality stations show where it will be in 2100. Over the past … Read more » “Virtual Reality Glacier Experience”