Centenary Friedrich Dürrenmatt

In 2021, the Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel (CDN) will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the writer and painter Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990). The centenary will provide an opportunity to discover new facets of the writer and painter, focusing on the dialogue between his pictorial works and literary oeuvre. The centenary will be opened … Read more » “Centenary Friedrich Dürrenmatt”

Digital Heritage Conference

The conference (Patrimoine culturel à l’ère numérique, Kulturerbe im digitalen Zeitalter) on 24 March will take place on a digital platform. Digital applications open up new possibilities for accessing cultural heritage. The conference explores the possibilities and questions of digitised or digital cultural heritage. The conference is organised by the Swiss Cultural Heritage Information Centre NIKE (Nationale … Read more » “Digital Heritage Conference”

Basler Paper Mill

The Basler Paper Mill (Basler Papiermühle) is the Swiss Museum for Paper, Writing and Printing (Museum für Papier, Schrift und Druck) in St. Alban. The visitors are invited to participate in the production process of paper, bookbinding and printing. The extensive collection and well-documented history of paper production, writing, scripture, including the illuminated manuscripts of … Read more » “Basler Paper Mill”