Müstair, Symbol of Swiss Unity

The Swiss government (Bundesrat/Conseil fédéral) has been meeting once or twice a year at a different location, extra muros, of the Federal Palace (Bundeshaus) in Bern since 2010. On 12 October, the government was present in Müstair (Val Müstair/ Münstertal) in canton Graubünden. The government met with the Regenza (cantonal government) intra muros of the monastery (Claustra Son … Read more » “Müstair, Symbol of Swiss Unity”


The regions of Basel, Baden and Alsace along the Upper Rhine (Oberrhein/Haut-Rhin) not only share a common Alemannic language but have been closely linked culturally, socially and economically for centuries. Concrete cooperation exists in several areas, including the organisation RegioTriRhena.  Since 2021, there has also been cultural cooperation of Art’Rhena on the Rhine island of … Read more » “Art’Rhena”

The Romansh Diaspora

Lia Rumantscha took the initiative to establish local organisations in Switzerland for Romansh-speaking people living outside the Romansh-speaking regions in Graubünden. The “Rumantsch en la diaspora” project aims to ensure a sustainable network of organisations to preserve this language and culture in Switzerland. About a third of the Romansh-speaking people (the Romansh diaspora) live outside … Read more » “The Romansh Diaspora”