Plateforme 10 in Lausanne

It has taken a while, but on 18 June Plateforme 10 in Lausanne opened its doors. The complex houses three museums: the Cantonal Museum of Design and Applied Contemporary Art (Musée de Design et d´Arts appliques Contemporains, MUDAC), the Museum of Art (Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, MCBA) and the Photo Museum (Musée cantonal de la … Read more » “Plateforme 10 in Lausanne”

The Upper Rhine Cooperation

One more year, and the Association Regio Basiliensis will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2023 as one of the first cross-border partnerships in Europe. Regio Basiliensis  The Association ( is a successful pioneer of cross-border cooperation and distinguishes itself by its political and institutional framework. It is expressed, for example, in the Oberrheinkonferenz (Upper Rhine … Read more » “The Upper Rhine Cooperation”

Romansh Language and Culture

About one-third of all speakers of the Romansh language now live outside the canton of Les Grisons/Graubünden. The (travelling) exhibition aims to inform the other language communities of the country (German, French and Italian) about this language and culture and enlarge the network of speakers of Romansh. Even with only basic knowledge of Latin, German, … Read more » “Romansh Language and Culture”