The monumental Tissot Clock in La Chaux-de-Fonds

The Neuchâtel mountains (the Jura) are considered the historic cradle of Swiss watchmaking. Farmers began in these isolated mountains and valleys as early as the 17th century to make mechanisms to keep them busy during the long and cold winters.  These parts were collected and assembled in workshops, known as comptoirs or ateliers, mainly in … Read more » “The monumental Tissot Clock in La Chaux-de-Fonds”

Romansh in and outside Graubünden

From 24 to 28 July, the language course in Vallader, one of the five main dialects of Romansh, took place in Scuol (canton of Graubünden). Lia Rumantscha, in collaboration with Uniun dals Grischs, welcomed 150 participants from the French, German and Italian-speaking regions of Switzerland and abroad. The first Bible in Vallader, Scuol 1671. Museum … Read more » “Romansh in and outside Graubünden”

The multifaceted Basel Tattoo

The 16th edition of Basel Tattoo brings formations from five continents (North and South America, Africa, Oceania and Europe) to the Arena at the Kasernenhof until 22 July and organised the annual Parade on 15 July. The Basel Tattoo is much more than a Tattoo. Its origins are also linked to the Basel Fasnacht (UNESCO … Read more » “The multifaceted Basel Tattoo”