Bridge-builder Regio Basiliensis

In the second century AD, the Romans and Celtic inhabitants of Augusta Raurica (today’s Augst, canton Basel-Landschaft) built the first bridge across the Rhine. Augusta Raurica was a city (Colonia) founded by the Romans in 44 BC. Augusta Raurica and the first bridge over the Rhine, a. 240 n. Chr. Image:  Augusta Raurica Museum A … Read more » “Bridge-builder Regio Basiliensis”

Roman organ in Basel

A citizen of the Roman town of Augusta Raurica (today Augst/Kaiseraugst) would not have believed his ears in the third century AD: the sound of an organ in Basilia (present-day Basel), a hamlet of a few hundred inhabitants. Augusta Raurica and Basilia around 117 AD: Picture: Augusta Raurica Museum Augusta Raurica was about 10 km … Read more » “Roman organ in Basel”

Swiss Society for Art History

On 3 June, the 143rd annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Art History (Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte (GSK)/Société d’Histoire de l’Art en Suisse (SHAS) took place at the Pfalzkeller, in the heart of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site of St Gallen and its legendary monastery and library. Given the impressive history of this … Read more » “Swiss Society for Art History”