
Altstätten (Canton of St. Gallen) has a rich history. The many beautiful medieval and baroque houses and the Placidus chapel bear witness to this past. In 853, Altstätten was mentioned for the first time in a document as “villa nominata altsteti” (villa named old place). The Monastery of St. Gallen owned many properties in Altstätten … Read more » “Altstätten”

Susch, Flüela Pass, Muzeum Susch and Jörg Jenatsch

The village of Susch (Canton Graubünden) lies at the foot of the Flüela Pass, at the entrance to the Vereina Tunnel and on the River Inn. The towers of La Tuor and La Praschun and the steeple of the Gothic church of St. Jon characterise the village. The name was first mentioned in a document … Read more » “Susch, Flüela Pass, Muzeum Susch and Jörg Jenatsch”

Seewen, Museum of Music Automatons and German von Auxerre

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