Swiss Saltworks

With the salt produced at the Schweizerhalle, Riburg and Bex sites, Swiss Saltworks supplies the whole country with salt. About half of the annual production volume – some 600,000 tonnes in total – is used as de-icing salt to ensure road traffic safety in winter. The other salt products cover the requirements and application areas … Read more » “Swiss Saltworks”

The Village of Aesch and its History

Available in German and Dutch

The Rigi-Region

The Rigi along Lake Lucerne is one of the most famous Swiss mountains. Unlike, say, the Gotthard massif, Zermatt or the Jungfrau, it is not its altitude (1 798 m above sea level) but its location and history that have earned Rigi the name “Queen of the Mountains” (Königin der Berge). Albrecht von Bonstetten (1443-1504), … Read more » “The Rigi-Region”