The Landskron, regional History from European Perspective

At the end of the 13th century, the Landskron castle was built by the Münch dynasty from Basel. This strategically important place on the mountain of this name (about 530 m above sea level) dominated the route along the northern foot of the Jura. The Romans already recognised its excellent location and built a watchtower … Read more » “The Landskron, regional History from European Perspective”

The Forgotten Ice Industry of Le Pont

In 1879, on Lake Brenet (lac Brenet) in the Vallée de Joux (canton of Vaud), artificial ice cellars or huge sheds of 14,000 m3 for 5,000 tonnes of ice were built. From then until 1942, the ice from the lake was stored in large quantities every winter to be sold in Swiss and French cities … Read more » “The Forgotten Ice Industry of Le Pont”

The Fasnacht of Basel

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