City History set in Stone

Every street corner in the centre of (ancient) Basel, Basilea, has its history. On the hill of the Münster, the cathedral, the Celts built a defensive wall, the murus gallus, in the first century BC. The Romans founded the Colonia Augusta Raurica around 44 BC as a defence against the Germanic tribes on the other side … Read more » “City History set in Stone”

Pile dwelling museum Lüscherz

At Lake Biel (Bielersee/lac de Bienne), more than 35 sites of pile dwellings from the period between 4300 and 800 B.C. are known. They were the villages of the first farmers and fishermen in this region. The village Lüscherz (canton Bern) is one of the most relevant sites in Switzerland. Several Neolithic shore settlements (ca. … Read more » “Pile dwelling museum Lüscherz”

The village of Lüscherz

The village of Lüscherz (canton of Bern) is one of the most important places of pile dwellings in Switzerland. The village is mentioned for the first time in a document from 1271. The knights of Biel donated the vineyards “next to the path leading to the lake” to the Frauenkappelen monastery. Until the reformation, the village … Read more » “The village of Lüscherz”