La Neuveville

The city of La Neuveville (canton of Bern) is part of the (French-speaking) Jura and the administrative region of Jura bernois. La Blanche Eglise, built in the Carolingian period, was first mentioned in 866 and was owned by the abbey of Moutier-Grandval, after 1141 by the abbey of Bellelay. The Prince-Bishopric of Basel founded the … Read more » “La Neuveville”

The Watchmaking Canton

The canton of Neuchâtel is the heart of the Swiss watchmaking industry. Farmers-watchmakers already produced clocks and watches in the eighteenth century. La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle were the biggest producers of watches in 1914. The unique symbiosis of town planning and industry, and urban and architectural unity of these two industrial cities gave them … Read more » “The Watchmaking Canton”

Monthey and the Monthéleo dynasty

The town in the canton of Valais is located at the foot of the Dents du Midi, the Portes du Soleil, the Val d’Illiez and its river Vièze. The town’s name and castle first appeared in the 13th century (castrum Monteyz). Much more is known of the local Monthéleo dynasty (see, among others, Abbé Tamini’s … Read more » “Monthey and the Monthéleo dynasty”