Wibrandis Rosenblatt

Wibrandis Rosenblatt (1504-1564) lived in the rectory of St. Martin’s Church in Basel, near the cathedral on the Münster. She was married to the reformer Johannes Oecolampadius or Oekolampad (1482-1531), one of the reformers in Basel. The Reformation and this marriage had nothing to do with emancipation. Wibrandis took care of the household and was … Read more » “Wibrandis Rosenblatt”

Le Landeron Remains Catholic

The Count of Neuchâtel founded the city of Le Landeron in 1325. In 1449, however, the city concluded an alliance with the city of Solothurn. The Counts of Neuchâtel, the Prince-Bishopric of Basel and Bern were looking for influence in this area. The city found an   the city of Solothurn. There was a fierce religious … Read more » “Le Landeron Remains Catholic”

The Republic of Basel

The new history of Basel (Die neue Basler Stadtgeschichte ) appears in 2024. This book tells the story of the economic, social and cultural successes of the canton Basel-Stadt and the city on the Rhine, but also the missed opportunities. From an economic and cultural perspective, medieval Basel was mainly focused on the Alsace and … Read more » “The Republic of Basel”