Guillaume Henri Dufour and Switserland

Available in German: J. Jung (Hrsg), Einigkeit, Freiheit, Menschlichkeit. Guillaume Dufour als General, Ingenieur, Kartograf und Politiker, Zürich 2022

Swiss Democracy

The book (written in German) describes the development and peculiarities of Swiss democracy. The book is also available in the English language on internet (Oapen Home) under the title: W. Linder and S. Mueller, Swiss Democracy. Possible solutions to conflicts in multicultural societies The book highlights federalism, concordance (Konkordanz) as an instrument of interest representation … Read more » “Swiss Democracy”

The Most Beautiful Swiss Towns

The second edition of the travel guide of the association Die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer/Les plus beaux villages de Suisse ( presents Switzerland and Liechtenstein’s most beautiful villages and small towns (45 municipalities under 10 000 inhabitants). The book presents the culture and history of each place. The book is available in German, French and Italian. … Read more » “The Most Beautiful Swiss Towns”