Two Empires in Brugg and Windisch

Two empires left their mark on the Brugg-Windisch region (Canton Aargau). The Roman Legionary Park Vindonissa (Windisch) and the city of Brugg in the Habsburg Empire were important military and administrative sites. Roman Empire The army camp for a Roman legion (about 5,000 troops and officers) was built around 15 AD to guard the border … Read more » “Two Empires in Brugg and Windisch”

The Zellweger in Trogen

The textile trade changed life in Trogen (canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden) in the 18th century. The Zellwegers were cosmopolitan citizens of and merchants in Trogen. The name Trogen is first mentioned in 1175 as ‘the Trugin’, a place with a well (Trögen). After 1429, the independent country of Appenzell emerged with its present borders and with … Read more » “The Zellweger in Trogen”

Brunnen, the Cradle of Switzerland and Swiss Abroad

The Bundesbriefmuseum in Schwyz (Museum of Swiss Charters of the Confederation)  stores the ‘Morgartenbrief’ from 1315. This document is indisputably authentic and is indirect proof of the first agreements of the Eidgenossenschaft at the end of the 13th century. It is irrelevant whether the oath (Eid) on the Rütli, the meadow on the Seelisberg on … Read more » “Brunnen, the Cradle of Switzerland and Swiss Abroad”