St. Moritz, Bridge, Nature and Culture

The mineral springs in the Upper Engadine have been famous for centuries. The Romans and, before that, the Räthian tribes and their predecessors already knew about the healing effects. Moreover, the spring church of St Mauritius (St Moritz, St Murezzan in Romansh) was already a popular place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages, especially after … Read more » “St. Moritz, Bridge, Nature and Culture”

The bishop’s court in Chur

The bishop’s court in Chur (canton Graubünden) consists of the Palace, the cathedral of St. Mary’s Assumption (St. Maria Himmelfahrt) and the residences for the chapter. A Part of the bishop’s Palace is used by the Domschatz Museum today. The other part is being renovated and will be opened to the public. The Obere Spaniöl, … Read more » “The bishop’s court in Chur”

The Wall of Reformers

The Wall (Le Mur des Réformateurs, Monument international de la Réformation) of hundred metes was built in 1909 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the birth of Jean Cauvin (1509-1564), better known as Jean Calvin. Calvin fled from France in 1535 to relatively tolerant Basel, the hometown of Desiderius Erasmus (1467-1536). Basel converted to the … Read more » “The Wall of Reformers”