The Rhine Source Lighthouse

No mountain is too high for Swiss people, but what about the lighthouse on the Oberalp Pass at an altitude of 2 046 meters? The Rhine Lighthouse is an hour’s walk from the source of the Rhine. The Gotthard massif is the source of four rivers: the Rhine, Reuss, Rhone and Ticino, flowing to all … Read more » “The Rhine Source Lighthouse”

The Romandy, Latin, French and Patois

Today, French is the official written and spoken language in French-speaking Switzerland (the French-speaking cantons of Neuchâtel, Jura, Geneva, and Vaud) and the bilingual cantons of Freiburg/Fribourg, Wallis/Valais and Bern/Berne. However, behind this modern linguistic unity lies a great diversity.   French, which gradually entered Switzerland after the 11th and 12th centuries, competed for centuries … Read more » “The Romandy, Latin, French and Patois”

The Rhine in 38 Exhibitions

The Three Countries Museum (Dreiländermuseum) in Lörrach opened its series of 38 cross-border exhibitions on the theme of the Rhine on 11 November with a vernissage in the Evangelische Stadtkirche. Vernissage, the choir with French, German and Swiss songs from the nineteenth century. On 12 November, the annual meeting of the network of historical societies … Read more » “The Rhine in 38 Exhibitions”