Annecy, Geneva, Savoy and L’Escalade

The Counts of Geneva, like their neighbours, the Counts of Savoy, were dynasties in  the Kingdom of Burgundy (888-1032). The Counts controlled the areas of Faucigny, Genevois and the town of Annecy, a  small part of the Chablais along Lake Geneva and Gex in France around 1300. Geneva was the administrative centre. Annecy was a … Read more » “Annecy, Geneva, Savoy and L’Escalade”

The Swiss Economic Miracle and John Bowring

A small question about a small country in the Alps with no direct access to the sea, no colonies, no natural resources or raw materials (apart from water, granite, wood and stone), largely uninhabitable, inaccessible and infertile territory and, until 1848, with a medieval, chaotic state system of almost entirely sovereign cantons surrounded by powerful … Read more » “The Swiss Economic Miracle and John Bowring”

The Freedom of the Swiss

The history of the Freedom of the Swiss by Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) appeared in the German language under the title Die Freiheit der Schweizer, two hundred years after the French publication  Introduction à l’histoire Générale de la République des Suisses in 1815. Gibbon is considered the father of modern historiography and is one of the … Read more » “The Freedom of the Swiss”