The Burgundian Kingdoms

One of Swiss soil’s most exciting but forgotten kingdoms existed from 888 to 1032. Terminologically, it has been a confusing kingdom. The First Burgundian Kingdom The terminological history refers to the first Burgundian kingdom (443-534). This kingdom stretched from Geneva and Basel to the Rhône delta. The Nibelungen. Source: Wikipedia After the Frankish empire (534-888) … Read more » “The Burgundian Kingdoms”

The Helvetians and Switzerland

The Helvetians (Helvetii in Latin) was the name for some Celtic tribes. They inhabited the Swiss Plateau, hence the format name of the country Confoederatio Helvetica. Some tribes are known as the Tigurini, Ambrones, Verbigeni and Tugini. The Rauraci and Suebi inhabited the regions of Basel, Southern Alsace and Baden during the same period. The other … Read more » “The Helvetians and Switzerland”