Hans Asper (1499 -1571), Ulrich Zwingli 1531. Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Photo/Foto: Wikipedia.

Zwingli and the Reformation in Switzerland

Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) preached his religious ideas from the pulpit of the Grossmünster in Zurich 500 years ago. The Reformation deeply influenced the city, the canton of Zurich, the (ancient) Confederation and Europe.

The break with Catholic tradition came in 1522 when a sausage meal violated the commandment of fasting. Zwingli’s remarks aroused the anger of Pope Hadrianus VI, who demanded Zwingli be punished.

However, Zurich’s City Council (der Grosse Rat) discussed his ideas instead. Contrary to the Pope’s instructions, the city adopted Zwingli’s position and introduced his reforms. Hence, Zurich is a protestant city.

(Source and further information:www.musee-reforme.ch; www.zhref500.ch; www.zwingli.ch).